Top of the Ocean Building Is Purchased from Bay View, Co. (Reprinted from the TAC Newsletter “The News Go-Round) dated October/November of 1948
There’ll be no necessity for your Tacoma Athletic Commission to go house-hunting in years to come as the organization has acquired title to the Top of the Ocean restaurant buildings. TAC headquarters for the past 22 months. It’s an ambitious undertaking, because that amount of money ($156,900 was the sale price) doesn’t grow on trees, but the membership’s enthusiastic acceptance of the present quarters made the move inevitable.
The popularity of the location has been credited with the growth of the membership from approximately 800 at the time of initial occupancy to the present total of nearly 2,300. Purchase of the building now paves the way for acceptance of additional members since the club quarters can be expanded in accordance with the demand for extra space.
Policy Unchanged--For the time being, at least. The operation of the restaurant will continue under the present management with the establishment remaining open to the public at all times. The T.A.C. membership will, however, have first call on the use of all facilities on the first deck for private parties, with arrangements being made through the restaurant management.
The building was purchased from the Bay View company. The T.A.C. officers of which are James Petersen, president; Gerry Waechter, vice-president and treasurer; Clifford Langhorne secretary; and Al Davies, Charles McPhail and Jack Shapiro, directors.
President's Statement: Relative to the acquisition of the building, T.A.C. President Howard R. Smith commented: “Purchase of the Top of the Ocean restaurant building, assuring our organization of a permanent home, is one more step in the steady progress which the Tacoma Athletic Commission has made in the six years of its existence.”
- Marc Blau