The next meeting for the TAC will be this Thursday, April 13th at Tower Lanes. The program for the meeting will be our very own Wayne Thronson. He will be sharing with us about his time associated with the PGA as an organizer.
11:30 – Social time and lunch buffet
12:00 – TAC meeting
During the club business portion of our meeting, we will have some time for “table talk”. The focus of the table talk will be the open positions for the TAC leadership that need to be filled. We will be asking each table to brainstorm members that you think would be a good in the five key leadership positions (or maybe you, yourself, are willing to step into one of the positions).
The leadership of the organization is important and it is vital that we have members that are able to serve in the leadership positions. Our annual elections will be held during the June meeting. The positions that need to be filled are:
- President 2022-2023
- Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and members. Provide general supervision over the TAC’s affairs. Enforce the organizations bylaws and rules and regulations.
- Vice President – Will advance to be President 2023-2024. Three year term – Vice President, President, Past President.
- Assist the President with the functioning of the TAC and assume their duties when they are absent.
- Treasurer – During this election will be a one year term, but normally would be a two year term elected in the even years.
- Provide oversight and consultation regarding the financial matters of the TAC. Present financial statements to Board of Directors and members, as needed.
- Secretary – two year term
- Take and keep minutes of all Board of Directors and member meetings.
- Membership Committee Chair.
- Maintain and add to TAC‘s membership.
Following the meeting on Thursday the board will be reaching out to the suggested members regarding the positions. Please start thinking about who you think would be good for these key positions.
Meeting ID: 847 7193 1109
Passcode: 190000
One tap mobile: +12532158782,,84771931109#,,,,*190000# US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 847 7193 1109
Passcode: 190000
One tap mobile: +12532158782,,84771931109#,,,,*190000# US (Tacoma)