Greetings fellow TAC members and sports enthusiasts!
As the Summer is winding down the TAC Executive Committee and Committee Chairs are busy planning for the new TAC year starting in September.
The Executive Committee met early in August to plan the calendar and review programs/events as well as committee needs.
Please mark Thursday, September 9th, for the noon meeting at the Tower Lanes in Tacoma. As you know, the mask mandate and COVID 19 restrictions may impact our meetings and schedule so please monitor TAC communications for updates to our programs.
Karyn Siegrist, our new Executive Director/Secretary is busy installing the ClubRunner program that will provide easy access for all members to the TAC Membership Roster, Newsletter, and Website as well as many more features. Karyn will be presenting learning segments during each of our meetings so that we all are well versed with the program. Stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you in September.
-Jim Merritt
As the Summer is winding down the TAC Executive Committee and Committee Chairs are busy planning for the new TAC year starting in September.
The Executive Committee met early in August to plan the calendar and review programs/events as well as committee needs.
Please mark Thursday, September 9th, for the noon meeting at the Tower Lanes in Tacoma. As you know, the mask mandate and COVID 19 restrictions may impact our meetings and schedule so please monitor TAC communications for updates to our programs.
Karyn Siegrist, our new Executive Director/Secretary is busy installing the ClubRunner program that will provide easy access for all members to the TAC Membership Roster, Newsletter, and Website as well as many more features. Karyn will be presenting learning segments during each of our meetings so that we all are well versed with the program. Stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you in September.
-Jim Merritt