With the success of the newsletter this year during challenging times, it seems appropriate to continue the newsletter through the summer to communicate with members and share upcoming
The Executive Committee will have a meeting in August to plan the 2021-22 TAC year. If you have any suggestions please send to
Karyn or me. Also, if you would like to get more involved in TAC activities on a committee or on the Executive Committee please let us know. Remember, it is all about many members doing a little bit to spread the load and make it fun for everyone.
Karyn or me. Also, if you would like to get more involved in TAC activities on a committee or on the Executive Committee please let us know. Remember, it is all about many members doing a little bit to spread the load and make it fun for everyone.
With the unknowns during the golf tournament planning phase, the annual TAC Summer Golf Tournament has been deferred to next year. If you would like to be a member of this committee please let us know.
Karyn, our new Executive Director/Secretary, is off to a great start. Bill White really organized the
background information well for Karyn. The main focus for Karyn during the summer is setting up the ClubRunner program to manage communications, website, and membership roster for the TAC.
background information well for Karyn. The main focus for Karyn during the summer is setting up the ClubRunner program to manage communications, website, and membership roster for the TAC.
Also, we will be reviewing the by-laws for consideration of any modifications at a Fall meeting.
Please check out the TV Tacoma schedule for the Athlete of the Year program highlighting the
With the success of the newsletter this year during challenging times, it seems appropriate to continue the newsletter through the summer to communicate with members and share upcoming activities.
The Executive Committee will have a meeting in August to plan the 2021-22 TAC year. If you have any suggestions please send to Karyn or me. Also, if you would like to get more involved in TAC activities on a committee or on the Executive Committee please let us know. Remember, it is all about many members doing a little bit to spread the load and make it fun for everyone.
With the unknowns during the golf tournament planning phase, the annual TAC Summer Golf Tournament has been deferred to next year. If you would like to be a member of this committee please let us know.
Karyn, our new Executive Director/Secretary, is off to a great start. Bill White really organized the background information well for Karyn. The main focus for Karyn during the summer is setting up the ClubRunner program to manage communications, website, and membership roster for the TAC. Also, we will be reviewing the by-laws for consideration of any modifications at a Fall meeting.
Please check out the TV Tacoma schedule for the Athlete of the Year program highlighting the recognized Pierce County high school student athletes and scholarship recipients. Thank you to Willie Stewart, Jay Stricherz, and the AOY committee for a job well done!
Also, please note that the Tribute to Champions banquet is scheduled for Monday, August 23. Please contact Marc Blau for information and tickets, or you may purchase tickets on line—click here
Mark on your calendar the September 9th noon meeting at Tower Lanes for our first meeting of the new TAC year. We look forward to seeing you. Also, if you cannot attend the meeting in person, we will be having the ZOOM alternative up and running so you would feel like you are sitting in the room.
I hope you are having a great summer and see you in September.
-Jim Merritt