Check out the variety of meetings and events available this spring:
- April 14th - TAC Lunch Meeting @ 12:00 - Tower Lanes. Program will be Ali Criss from Financial Insights. She will be talking to us about her ski diving avocation. Lunch will be a Taco Bar.
- April 28th - UPS Capstone Project delivery @ 5:30 - Location TBD. Our team of UPS students from the business leadership class will be presenting us with the results of their work with the TAC.
- May 12th - TAC Lunch Meeting @ 12:00 - Tower Lanes. Program TBD. Lunch will be Italian pasta bar.
- May 17th - Tribute to Champions @ 5:30 - McGavick Conference Center. Tickets are available on the TAC website. Click here.
- June 9th - TAC Lunch Meeting @ 12:00 - Tower Lanes. Program TBD. Lunch will be a summer BBQ.
- June 10th and 11th - Golden Gloves - Save the Date. More information to come.
- June 16th - Salute to Sports @ 5:30 - Hotel Murano Bicentennial Pavilion. - Save the Date. More information to come.