The TAC will be participating in the 2022 Tacoma Santa Parade on December 4th. We are looking for TAC members that would like to participate in the parade. Our entry will include students that have been nominated for the Fall Athlete of the Year from schools throughout Pierce County along with TAC members, friends and family. The parade starts at 4:30. The route is along South Tacoma Way between 50th and 54th Streets. We are asking that all participants arrive by 3:45 for staging. We are one of the first entries in the parade, we estimate that you will be finished with the parade about 6:15. Please let Karyn Siegrist know if you are interested in participating - KarynTAC@gmail.com or 253-307-9096 for more details.
The parade is part of a full afternoon of festivities. Come early and enjoy bands, shopping, food and more. The festival starts at noon.